1.      ಸೊಬಗಿನ ಸೋನೆ (Sobgina Sone)

2.      sobagina sOne

3.      The Drizzle of Beauty

4.      Deparaja (dEparAja ) (Deva Raya of Sangama dynasty)

5.      15th Century (1410 A.D.)

6.      Vijayanagara Empire. He belonged to the Sangama Vamsha.

7.      Shaiva (Veerashaiva?)

8.      None (He was a King)

9.      None

10. Poetry

11. Sobagina Sone is in ‘Sangatya’ or ‘Sobgina Soneya MaTTu’ and ‘Amaruka’ is in Parivardhini Shatpadi.

12. The editor has made use of six manuscripts. Two of them are complete and the remaining four are not so, but they try to develop the story in different directions.

13. 1970

14. B.S.Sannaiah

15. Institute of Kannada Studies, Mysore University , Mysore .

16. ‘Sobagina Soneya Sangraha’, 1971, an abridged version edited by B.S.Sannaiah.

17. Deparaja is a minor poet known for his twin works namely ‘Sobagina Sone’ and

‘Amaruka’. The latter is a translation of the well known Sanskrit work ‘Amaru Shataka’, which happens to be a collection of one hundred poems based on the theme of amorous love. Deparaja has translated this work in ‘Parivardhini Shatpadi’. Incidentally this is the first work in Kannada composed in this specific meter.

‘Sobagnia Sone’ was made available in print rather late in the day and has not received much critical attention. It is a curious combination of themes selected from folklore as well as court poetry. It contains seven stories spread in twenty six chapters consisting of approximately 1200 poems. This is an imaginative work, even though once in a while it reminds the reader of similar occurrences in Sanskrit works such as ‘Kathasaritsagara’ and ‘Dashakumacharite’. Vikrama is the protagonist of this work. It is also centered on the adventurous escapades of seven women Surabhivati, Kanjare, Barage, Vasante, Lalite, Patrini etc. The story meanders in various temporal and spatial zones with demons, birds, Gods and Goddesses playing a major role. One interesting point is the altruistic nature of Vikrama. He saves many a damsel from distress and then gets them married off to his friends. Patrini who weds him in the end is the sole exception. The fairy tale world created by the poet has no purpose other than recreation and ‘Sobagina Sone’ belongs to the genre of similar works created in the oriental part of our world. Some descriptions of nature and a few more involving human behaviour are interesting. Even though the work follows all the rules laid down for Sangatya, the ‘Brahmagana’s at the end of the second and fourth lines are replaced by “Vishnugana’s. This minor change results in a rendering which is different from ‘Sangatya’. Consequently some scholars have called this variant as ‘Sobagina Soneya VarNa’ or ‘Sobagina Soneya MaTTu’.

18. 1. ‘Deparaja’ by C.U.Manunatha, Samagra Kannada Sahitya Charitre, Volume 4, Part1,BangaloreUniversity,Bangalore .

2. Deparaja, Sobagina Sone, by B.S.Sannaiah, Kannada Adhyayanasamstheya Sahityacharitre, Samputa 5, 1981.




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